I know it falls at the water face
I know it's over, an ocean that waits
For a storm
The sun on snow
Rivers in rain
Crystal ball can foresee a change
And I know it's over, a parting of ways
And it's done
But didn't we have fun?
Don't say it was all a waste
Didn't we have fun?
From the top of the world
The top of the waves
We said forever, forever always
We could have been lost
We would have been saved
Now we're stopping the world, stopping it's spin
Oh come on don't give up
Don't see me give in
Don't say it's over
Don't say we're done
Oh, didn't we have fun?
Oh, didn't we have fun?
I know it's over before she says
Know someone else has taken your place
"I know it's over" Icarus says to the sun
The sword sinks in, lightning strikes
And two force, two forces collide
And fight til it's over, fight til it's done
But didn't we have fun?
Don't say it was all a waste
Didn't we have fun?
From the top of the world
The top of the waves
We said forever, forever always
We could have been lost
We would have been saved
Now we're stopping the world, stopping it's tracks
But nothing's too broken to find a way back
Before it's over, before you run
Ah, didn't we have fun?
Cause you and me
We were always meant to, always meant to
We were always meant to, always meant to
You and me
We were always meant to, always meant to
Oh, didn't we have fun?
Oh, didn't we have fun?
But then...
Maybe we could again
Bawa pensil HB, pena hitam dan KTP asli
Psikotesnya dimulai dengan:
1. tes logika matematika(>,<,>=,<=,=,!=)
2. tes gambar balok yg bersentuhan. Ada berapa sisi yg bersentuhan
3. tes logika pengambilan kesimpulan. Jika a maka b. Jika b maka c. Kesimpulan jika a maka c.
4. tes logika gambar mekanik. timbangan, roda gir, katrol
5. tes melengkapi gambar yang hilang
6. tes krapelin
7. tes warteg
8. tes gambar orang
9. tes gambar pohon
1. Add GUI so that it will look nicer
2. Add method for checking internet connectivity
3. Add try catch to all methods
4. No need to set path for Internet Download Manager(IDM), just put the path on the Input Dialog
5. Have the executable program (.exe)
Here is the input:
Here is the process:
And for the output is still the same with previous version: have a text file output and links are queuing to IDM.
Download Executable Program (.exe)
Here is the implementation in Java Programming Language:
import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JProgressBar; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.io.LineIterator; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxProfile; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.internal.ProfilesIni; // create "firefox.exe -p" profile // and set browser firefox about:config : // permissions.default.image=2 (disable images) // media.autoplay.enabled=false // media.mediasource.enabled=false // and set never remember history or cache public class IDMCommandLine { public static String seasonURL; public static String filePath; public static String idmPath; public static long waitingTime; public static String urlTestInetConn = "www.google.com"; public static int portTestInetConn = 80; public static JLabel label; public static void main(String[] args) { try { if (testInternetConnection(urlTestInetConn, portTestInetConn)) { getInputDialogShowProgressBarDoBackgroundProcess(); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error from main"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error from main"); ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } } public static boolean testInternetConnection(String site, int port) { boolean returnValue = false; Socket sock = new Socket(); try { InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress(site, port); sock.connect(addr, 3000); returnValue = true; } catch (Exception ex) { returnValue = false; ex.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Make sure you have an internet connection."); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Make sure you have an internet connection."); } finally { try { sock.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } return returnValue; } public static void getInputDialogShowProgressBarDoBackgroundProcess() { try { // show input dialog for season url, file path, // idm path and waiting time seasonURL = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Input Season URL =\nExample: http://kisscartoon.me/Cartoon/The-Simpsons-Season-03", "http://kisscartoon.me/Cartoon/The-Simpsons-Season-03"); filePath = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Input file text output destination =\nExample: C:\\Users\\Stars\\Desktop\\TheSimpsonsSeason03.txt", "C:\\Users\\Stars\\Desktop\\TheSimpsonsSeason03.txt"); idmPath = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Input Internet Download Manager's path =\nExample: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Internet Download Manager\\IDMan.exe", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Internet Download Manager\\IDMan.exe"); String time = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Input waiting time in miliseconds=\nExample: 5000", "5000"); waitingTime = Long.parseLong(time); // call frame for progress bar final JFrame frame = new JFrame("Download Video"); final JProgressBar progressBar = new JProgressBar(); progressBar.setIndeterminate(true); progressBar.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 20)); final JPanel contentPane = new JPanel(); // top,left,bottom,right contentPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 100, 10, 100)); contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); label = new JLabel("Processing..."); contentPane.add(label, BorderLayout.NORTH); contentPane.add(progressBar, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.setContentPane(contentPane); frame.pack(); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true); frame.setResizable(false); frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { // exit process when click close icon System.exit(0); } }); // start background prosess Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { // call main process process(seasonURL, filePath, idmPath, waitingTime); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { frame.setVisible(false); } }); } }; new Thread(runnable).start(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error from getInputDialogShowProgressBarDoBackgroundProcess"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error from getInputDialogShowProgressBarDoBackgroundProcess"); ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } } public static void changeLabel(final String s) { try { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { label.setText("<html>" + s + "</html>"); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error from changeLabel"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error from changeLabel"); ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } } public static void process(String seasonURL, String filePath, String idmPath, long waitingTime) { try { System.out.println("Start " + seasonURL); changeLabel("Start " + seasonURL); // get episodes and videos url StringBuilder saveVideoURL = new StringBuilder(); String[] episodesURL = getEpisodesURL().split(";"); System.out.println("Total episodes = " + episodesURL.length); changeLabel("Total episodes = " + episodesURL.length); for (int i = episodesURL.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (episodesURL[i] != null) { String videoURL = getVideoURL(episodesURL[i]); String videoTitle = getVideoTitle(episodesURL[i]); System.out.println(videoTitle + "\n" + videoURL); changeLabel(videoTitle + "<br>" + videoURL); saveVideoURL.append(videoTitle); saveVideoURL.append(";"); saveVideoURL.append(videoURL); saveVideoURL.append(";"); saveVideoURL.append(episodesURL[i]); saveVideoURL.append("\n"); } } // write file to text File file = new File(filePath); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, saveVideoURL.toString().trim()); // send link to IDM File file1 = FileUtils.getFile(filePath); LineIterator iter = FileUtils.lineIterator(file1); while (iter.hasNext()) { String[] lines = iter.next().split(";"); String title = lines[0]; String url = lines[1]; // String referer = lines[2]; if (!url.equals("null")) { sendURLtoIDM(url, title); } } System.out.println("Finish " + seasonURL); changeLabel("Finish " + seasonURL); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error from process"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error from process"); ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } } public static void sendURLtoIDM(String videoURL, String videoTitle) { try { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(idmPath, "/d", videoURL, "/f", videoTitle, "/a"); Process process = pb.start(); int returnValue = process.waitFor(); if (returnValue == 0) { process.destroy(); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error from sendURLtoIDM"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error from sendURLtoIDM"); ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } } public static String getVideoTitle(String url) { String titleString = null; try { if (url != null && !url.equals("")) { String[] titles = url.trim().replace("-", "_").replace("?", ",").split(",")[0].split("/"); titleString = titles[titles.length - 2].concat("_").concat(titles[titles.length - 1]).concat(".mp4"); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error from getVideoTitle"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error from getVideoTitle"); ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } return titleString; } public static String getEpisodesURL() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { // get saved profile ProfilesIni profile = new ProfilesIni(); FirefoxProfile myprofile = profile.getProfile("MyProfile"); // load the firefox profile WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(myprofile); // open URL driver.get(seasonURL); // wait page loading Thread.sleep(waitingTime); List<WebElement> tables = driver.findElements(By.tagName("table")); for (WebElement table : tables) { List<WebElement> trs = table.findElements(By.tagName("tr")); for (WebElement tr : trs) { List<WebElement> tds = tr.findElements(By.tagName("td")); for (WebElement td : tds) { List<WebElement> as = td.findElements(By.tagName("a")); for (int i = 0; i < as.size(); i++) { sb.append(as.get(i).getAttribute("href")); sb.append(";"); } } } } driver.quit(); if (sb == null || sb.toString().trim().equals("")) { sb = null; System.out.println("Could not find any episodes"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Could not find any episodes"); System.exit(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error from getEpisodesURL"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error from getEpisodesURL"); ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } return sb == null ? null : sb.toString().trim(); } public static String getVideoURL(String urlEpisode) { String urlVideo = null; try { // get saved profile ProfilesIni profile = new ProfilesIni(); FirefoxProfile myprofile = profile.getProfile("MyProfile"); // load the firefox profile WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(myprofile); // open URL driver.get(urlEpisode); // wait page loading Thread.sleep(waitingTime); List<WebElement> results = driver.findElements(By.tagName("video")); for (WebElement we : results) { urlVideo = we.getAttribute("src"); } driver.quit(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error from getVideoURL"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error from getVideoURL"); ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } return urlVideo; } }
Output: text file contains links of the videos
Internet Download Manager is queuing the videos link
Download Java Project
Here is the implementation in Java Programming Language:
import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.io.LineIterator; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxProfile; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.internal.ProfilesIni; // create "firefox.exe -p" profile // and set browser firefox about:config : // permissions.default.image=2 (disable images) // media.autoplay.enabled=false // media.mediasource.enabled=false // and set never remember history or cache // set enviroment variable path to IDM.exe directory public class IDMCommandLine { //get video url from kissanime.to or kisscartoon.me public static String seasonURL = "http://kisscartoon.me/Cartoon/The-Simpsons-Season-03"; public static String filePath = "C:\\Users\\Stars\\Desktop\\TheSimpsonsSeason03.txt"; public static String idmPath = "IDMan.exe"; public static long waitingTime=5000; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println("Start " + seasonURL); StringBuilder saveVideoURL = new StringBuilder(); String[] episodesURL = getEpisodesURL().split(";"); System.out.println("Total episodes = "+episodesURL.length); for (int i = episodesURL.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (episodesURL[i] != null) { String videoURL = getVideoURL(episodesURL[i]); String videoTitle = getVideoTitle(episodesURL[i]); System.out.println(videoTitle+"-->"+videoURL); saveVideoURL.append(videoTitle); saveVideoURL.append(";"); saveVideoURL.append(videoURL); saveVideoURL.append(";"); saveVideoURL.append(episodesURL[i]); saveVideoURL.append("\n"); } } File file = new File(filePath); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, saveVideoURL.toString().trim()); File file1 = FileUtils.getFile(filePath); LineIterator iter = FileUtils.lineIterator(file1); while (iter.hasNext()) { String[] lines = iter.next().split(";"); String title = lines[0]; String url = lines[1]; // String referer = lines[2]; if (!url.equals("null")) { sendURLtoIDM(url, title); } } System.out.println("Finish " + seasonURL); } public static void sendURLtoIDM(String videoURL, String videoTitle) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(idmPath, "/d", videoURL, "/f", videoTitle, "/a"); Process process = pb.start(); int returnValue = process.waitFor(); if (returnValue == 0) { process.destroy(); } } public static String getVideoTitle(String url) { String[] titles = url.trim().replace("-", "_").replace("?", ",").split(",")[0].split("/"); String titleString = titles[titles.length - 2].concat("_").concat(titles[titles.length - 1]).concat(".mp4"); return titleString; } public static String getEpisodesURL() throws InterruptedException { // get saved profile ProfilesIni profile = new ProfilesIni(); FirefoxProfile myprofile = profile.getProfile("MyProfile"); // load the firefox profile WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(myprofile); // open URL driver.get(seasonURL); // wait page loading Thread.sleep(waitingTime); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List<webelement> tables = driver.findElements(By.tagName("table")); for (WebElement table : tables) { List<webelement> trs = table.findElements(By.tagName("tr")); for (WebElement tr : trs) { List<webelement> tds = tr.findElements(By.tagName("td")); for (WebElement td : tds) { List<webelement> as = td.findElements(By.tagName("a")); for (int i = 0; i < as.size(); i++) { sb.append(as.get(i).getAttribute("href")); sb.append(";"); } } } } driver.quit(); return sb == null ? null : sb.toString().trim(); } public static String getVideoURL(String urlEpisode) throws InterruptedException { // get saved profile ProfilesIni profile = new ProfilesIni(); FirefoxProfile myprofile = profile.getProfile("MyProfile"); // load the firefox profile WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(myprofile); // open URL driver.get(urlEpisode); // wait page loading Thread.sleep(waitingTime); String urlVideo = null; List<webelement> results = driver.findElements(By.tagName("video")); for (WebElement we : results) { urlVideo = we.getAttribute("src"); } driver.quit(); return urlVideo; } }
Pokemon Movie 18 Hoopa and The Clash of Ages Full movie HD
Ada soal tertulis dan praktek.
Soal tertulis:
1. Tuliskan pendapat mu tentang Java, minimal 10.
2. Apa itu Android SDK dan fungsinya
3. Pernakah menggunakan Database SQLite
4. Sudah berapa lama mengenal Android Programming
Soal praktek:
diberikan alamat IP lokal yang merupakan service JSON.
gunakan itu untuk menampilkan dua gambar yg didapat dr url yang ada pada data json service tersebut
-diberi laptop dan eclipse. selebihnya happy coding.
Semua soal tesnya dalam bahasa Inggris.
Psikotesnya terdiri atas:
1. Tes grammar bahasa inggris. dikasih wacana. pilih jawaban mengenai wacana yang diceritakan. Kemarin itu ceritanya tentang seseorang dipukul oleh orang lain.
2. Tes logika menghitung, diberikan kalkulator. tes konversi mata uang. tes hitung2an harga jeruk 1gr bila jeruk yg dibeli 5kg berharga berapa dolar. tes harga sewa kamar per malam jika yang nyewa 2 org. tes hitungan bunga dan pajak.
3. Tes kepribadian(soalnya lumayan banyak), diberikan 4 statement, pilih yang mana yang paling mendekati dan bukan diri kamu.
4. Tes krapelin. menjumlahkan dari bawah ke atas.
Soal Programmingnya(khusus IT):
1. ada dua thread yang disynchronized. diminta outputnya apa: kalau tidak salah outputnya diconcat stringbuffernya. A B CA BB
2. sebutkan minimal 3 design pattern
3. desain database perpustakaan
Tesnya dari pukul 9 sampai 3 sore. Tentunya ada waktu istirahat makan 1 jam.
Psikotesnya dimulai dengan:
1. tes kecerdasan/logika(total 4 bagianx15soal). gambar2. melengkapi gambar yang seharusnya lanjutan dr pola yang telah diberikan
2. tes pendengaran(total 15 soal). diberikan instruksi untuk menggaris, mencoret dan menyilang angka/huruf.
3. tes kepribadian(total 225 soal). antara 2 statement, mana yang mendekati kepribadian anda.
4. tes krapelin(total 10 kolom, 23 baris). menjumlahkan dari atas sampai bawah.
5. tes warteg. melanjutkan 8 potongan gambar. urutkan, beri penjelasan yg mana yg mudah dan sulit, disukai dan tidak disukai.
6. tes gambar orang. di atas kertas kosong. beri usia, jenis kelamin dan kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan.
7. tes gambar pohon. di atas kertas kosong. beri keterangan nama/jenis pohon.
Semua proses diberi pengerjaan dr pukul 10 - 2 siang. Tentunya istirahat 1 jam buat makan.
1. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.prettysimple.criminalcaseandroid
2. https://itunes.apple.com/app/criminal-case/id767473889?mt=8
3. http://www.facebook.com/CriminalCaseGame
Saya sedang main di season 1 - Grimsborough, di season ini terdiri dari 56 kasus:
1. The Death of Rosa Wolf
2. Corpse in a Garden
3. The Grim Butcher
4. The Dockyard Killer
5. A Russian Case
6. Good Cop Dead Cop
7. Death by Crucifixion
8. Beautiful No More
9. Burned to the Bone
10. Under the Knife
11. Into the Vipers' Nest
12. Blood on the Trading Floor
13. Bomb Alert on Grimsborough
14. Fashion Victim
15. Family Blood
16. The Kiss of Death
17. The Last Supper
18. In the Dead of Night
19. Innocence Lost
20. A Deadly Game
21. The Secret Experiments
22. To Die or Not to Die
23. The Final Journey
24. Anatomy of a Murder
25. The Ghost of Grimsborough
26. The Summoning
27. The Lake's Bride
28. The Haunting of Elm Manor
29. No Smoke Without Fire
30. The Wollcrafts' Creature
31. Dog Eat Dog
32. Murder on Campus
33. Killing Me Softly
34. Dead Man Running
35. At the End of the Rope
36. The Devil's Playground
37. The Reaper and the Geek
38. Spring Break Massacre
39. Marked for Death
40. An Elementary Murder
41. The Rorschach Reaper
42. Blood and Glory
43. Troubled Waters
44. The Scent of Death
45. A Shot of Beauty
46. Drive, Swing, Die
47. One Wedding and a Funeral
48. Good Girls Don't Die
49. All the King's Horses
50. Snakes on the Stage
51. It All Ends Here
52. A Brave New World
53. Burying the Hatchet
54. The Poisoned Truth
55. Ashes to Ashes
56. There Will Be Blood
Rencananya saya mau berbagi kisah yang ada dalam cerita ini. Setidaknya bagi yang belum main, bisa ikut mengetahui ceritanya melalui screenshot game yang sedang saya mainkan ini. Siapa tahu anda bisa ikut tertarik buat memainkan game ini.
Lagu buat kami berdua. I want You Anyway - Jon McLaughlin
Updated: Broken heart for the third times.
Lovin' you is easy cause you're beautiful
Makin' love with you is all I wanna do
Lovin' you is more than just a dream come true
And everything that I do is out of lovin' you
La la la la la, la la la la la
La la la la la, la la la la la
Do do do do do, ooh
No one else can make me feel
The colors that you bring
Stay with me while we grow old
And we will live each day in springtime
Cause lovin' you has made my life so beautiful
And every day my life is filled with lovin' you
Lovin' you I see your soul come shinin' through
And every time that we, ooh, I'm more in love with you
No one else can make me feel
The colors that you bring
Stay with me while we grow old
And we will live each day in springtime
Cause lovin' you is easy cause you're beautiful
And every day of my life is filled with lovin' you
Lovin' you I see your soul come shinin' through
And every time that we, ooh, I'm more in love with you
La la la la la, la la la la la
La la la la la, la la la la la
Do do do do do, ooh
Lovin' you
La la la la la, la la la la la
Do do do do do
Dee do, dee do, dee do
Updated: Broken heart for the second times.